family-friendly, historical productions with Jerome the Gravekeeper and his ghostly friends throughout the streets and cemeteries of the Annapolis valley, nova scotia…the most historically-rich, amazing valley in all of North America!
2025 Ghost Walks & Ghost Talks will rotate between:
Wolfville, Kentville, Halls Harbour, Windsor, The Landscape of Grand Pré View Park, & more!
Our Lucky 17th Season is buried.
…but our Lucky 18th Season is emerging.
Keep following on Facebook for all 2025 updates.
Private Bookings (year-round, and awesome)

Next Valley Ghost Walks:
COMPLETED 2024 Ghostly Performances:
Thursday, May 24
Kentville Ghost Walk
Apple Blossom
Completed with 31 brave souls
Saturday, June 15
Private Kentville Show
(KCA French Immersion Exchange)
Completed with ~60 brave souls
Thursday, July 25
Wolfville Ghost Walk
Completed with 40 brave souls
Thursday, August 1
Windsor Ghost Walk
Completed with 63 brave souls
Thursday, August 8
UNESCO Ghost Talk
Completed with 40 brave souls
Sunday, August 18
Blue Concrete Cottage Ghost Talk
Completed with 20 brave souls
Thursday, August 22
Halls Harbour Ghost Walk
Completed with 70 brave souls
Thursday, September 5
Grapely Ghost Walk, Grand Pre Winery
Completed with 16 brave souls
Tuesday, September 17
Private Kentville Ghost Walk
Completed with 49 brave souls
Thursday, September 19
Wolfville Ghost Walk
Completed with 51 brave souls
Tuesday, September 24
Private Kentville Ghost Walk
Completed with 37 brave souls
Thursday, October 3
Windsor Ghost Walk
Completed with 35 brave souls
Tuesday, October 15
Private Wolfville Walk
Completed with 25 brave souls
Thursday, October 17
Kentville Ghost Walk
Completed with 75 brave souls
Saturday, October 19
Old Tremont Cemetery Ghost Walk
Completed with 35 brave souls
Thursday, October 24
Windsor Ghost Walk
Completed with 23 brave souls
Thursday, October 31
Wolfville Ghost Walk
Completed with 38 brave souls
Thursday, November 14
North Grand Pre Community Church
Completed with 19 brave souls
Friday, November 22
White Family Funeral Home
Completed with 40 brave souls
Wednesday, December 18
Private Wolfville Walk
Completed with 13 brave souls
2024 Ghostly Stats:
Completed Shows = 20
Total Brave Souls = 781
Average Brave Souls = 39
Amount earned by local ghosts & musicians = $4940
Total raised for local theatre and other organizations = $779
17 Year Valley Ghost Walk Totals:
Total Completed Walks/Shows = 419
Total Brave Souls = 12919
Average Per Show = 30.8 Brave Souls
Total earned by local ghosts & musicians = $65519
Total raised for local theatre and other organizations = $10626
2025 Valley Ghost walk Rates:
Single Adult Ticket - $25
Single Student Ticket - $20
Group of 2 - $45
Group of 6 - $120
Advance sales are always best.
Limited CASH-ONLY walk-up tickets available.
Please have exact change.
Private Bookings:
Private Ghost Walks & Talks, Available Year-Round
$350+hst for your private group (up to 20)
Includes: ~45 minutes w/Jerome the Gravekeeper & 1 ghost
$500+hst for your private group (up to 30)
Includes: ~70 minutes w/Jerome the Gravekeeper & 3 ghosts
$700+hst for your private group (up to 40)
Includes: ~100+ minutes w/Jerome the Gravekeeper and many ghosts
$100+hst for up to 10 additional guests
To book a private show, CONTACT JEROME DIRECTLY.
digging deeper…
Our walks are not intended to cause heart attacks.
That would be bad for business.
They're family-friendly, but let's not kid ourselves,
it's a history lesson and not every kid is into history.
Ages 10+ recommended.
Bundle up and bring:
- comfy shoes
- a flashlight
- an umbrella (if the weather is questionable)
For the sit-down Landscape UNESCO talks, bring:
- a blanket
- a lawn chair
- & more BUG SPRAY!
Distant, group photos, intended for social media (Facebook, Instagram),
will be taken throughout the show.
Want to be a ghost?
Although the Ghostly Casting Calls have come and gone, you can always contact Jerome the Gravekeeper if you’re interested in ghosting.
Although helpful, no acting experience required.
Part proceeds of every production go to the ghosts.
Historically, performances are on select Thursdays, starting at 7:45pm between Apple Blossom in May and Halloween.