Valley Ghost Walks could not have got off the ground without the tremendous support of many.
we can't say enough about the guidance, local knowledge, and technical abilities of the following people:
Ken Bezanson from Country Barn Antiques
(For providing lanterns since 2008)
Ron Robichaud & Lisa Lowthers from
the Acadia Center for Social & Business Entrepreneurship (ACSBE), Wolfville
Greg White from The White Family Funeral Home
(For displaying their authentic Kentville death carriage)
Pat Townsend and Bethany from
Acadia's Vaughan Memorial Library & Esther Clark Wright Archives
John Whidden from
the Wolfville Historical Society
Bonnie Elliott, Annie-Brae, & Krystal Tanner from
the Randall House Museum
Wendy Elliott from
the Register/Advertiser
Dave Burton from
Wolfville (original research help)
Xander from
wherever he may find himself today (the original graphic design)
Jocelyn Hatt & David Edelstein from
Grapevine Publishing (graphic design)
Mark Oakley from
I Box Publishing (animation)
Bruce Dienes from
Capflex Networking (photos)
Heather Rushton from
Twin Bridges Photography (photos)
Janice Henderson & Family
This wonderful Wolfville family has provided us with prep-space and storage since the first show in 2008.
They even invited us in from the December cold during a Ghost Walk in the inaugural year.
Chris from Fundy Rocks
For providing a beautiful amethyst…that Jerome might have misplaced…
Trisha from Herbins Jewellers
For providing Jerome's shovel.
Laura Churchill Duke from ValleyFamilyFun
For her: grant-writing, research, script-writing, promotion, emails, & awesomeness.
James Skinner from ValleyEvents
For his: technical expertise and his overall encouragement.
All the Ghosties!
I can't say enough about all the fun our cast has together.
They provide Jerome with the confidence his needs to loudly walk around the streets with a shovel.
So long as they continue to be summoned, Jerome will continue with these walks.
To date, over 150 people have been ghosts or musicians for Valley Ghost Walks.
Because of all of your wonderful assistance, I feel very confident about the quality and accuracy of what we do.
I dig it.